The Quindecim
The Independent Student Newspaper of Goucher College
Advertising Rate Card
2018-2019 Academic Year
The Quindecim
Goucher College
1021 Dulaney Valley Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21204
It is with great pleasure that we, The Quindecim, Goucher College’s student-run newspaper, submit our rate card for the 2018-2019 academic year. Our newspaper serves over 2000 students, alumni, faculty, staff, and parents at Goucher College and in the greater Baltimore community. Located in the heart of Towson, Maryland and only minutes from businesses in downtown Baltimore and around the beltway, Goucher College is a diverse community whose members are important and loyal patrons to your business.
Below is our list of advertising prices, our policies, our publication schedule, and our contact information. Please let us know how we can assist you.
Advertising Rates:
Half Page (10.0” W x 6.5” D) $ 170.00
Quarter Page (6.0” W x 6.5” D) $ 100.00
Eighth Page (4.0” W x 6.5 D) $ 50.00
Online Advertisement $ 25.00
(on website and social media)
Goucher College, its employees, organizations, and students receive a 10% discount.
All ads (except classifieds) must be press-ready. Ads that require typesetting, reduction, enlargement, alteration, or additional artwork will be charged an additional 5-10%.
Please contact us for a Fall 2018 publication schedule.
Placement information:
Space must be reserved and copy received by 5:00 pm on the day of deadline unless other arrangements are made with the Editors-in-Chief. Please do not attempt to deliver artwork directly to our office without calling ahead to make arrangements.
Sending artwork and advertising information electronically is preferred. Please send artwork as a JPG, TIF, GIF, BMP, or PDF file. JPG is our most preferred format.
Space and placement is on a first-come, first-serve basis, unless The Quindecim is otherwise contractually obligated.
Placement and inclusion of advertisements is at the discretion of The Quindecim Editorial Board, who reserve the right to change page placement, alter ad sizes to meet our column in requirements, and to cancel reserved ads. You will be contacted in the extremely rare event that a change needs to be made. If a refund is warranted, we will promptly provide one.
Proof of publication and/or billing information will be sent within 8 days of publication, if requested. If payments are not made within 30 days, an additional $35 late fee will be charged for every 60 days overdue, up to $140.
If you have any questions about advertising in The Quindecim or would like to reserve space, we will be glad to assist you.
Olivia Baud, Co-Editor-in-Chief
Katie Monthie, Co-Editor-in-Chief
The Quindecim, The Independent Student Newspaper of Goucher College
Please send all ad copies to: