Calling all creative writers, poets, demons of the night, and those who feel that burning need to share their stories!
Do you have any 500-1000 word stories lying around that you aren’t sure about? Have you always wanted to design a puzzle of your own? Or perhaps draw a comic? Can you write 100 words about yourself? Do you have poems that you want the world to read? Submit them here!
This new section will feature YOUR stories, flash fiction, poems, creative nonfiction, experiments, whatever you would like! No genre is excluded! No experimental format is too experimental! This is the place to try out the crazy, the bizarre, the fun. You wanna get nuts? Let’s get nuts!
Fonts might have to be negotiated (that’s up to my boss). But I genuinely want to showcase as large a swath of work from across Goucher as I can. Especially for the 100 word autobiographies.
This issue features two pieces by me as examples (simply because of the time crunch), but I CHALLENGE you all out there, if you think I’m a hack, if you don’t like my stuff, do me one better!
Write, write, write!
Your host – Elias Rosner